
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Attraction is such a mystery. I think we can say that we can literally be attracted to anything/anyone for no reason. Remember when we were at school we used to chat with our friends and share what type of boys/girls you like? Even with that “guideline”, it seems like more often than not people end up with someone who is not meeting those descriptions.

Ironically this piece of thought about attraction crossed my mind when I saw my favorite football team, Manchester United, being beaten by Bournemouth at home 0–3. To be honest, the team has not been doing all that well for the past 10 years since the legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson left. Sure, there were some moments that we as fans were hoping that United would do well only to be disappointed in the end. Yet, we are still supporting the club regardless.

Another day, another disappointment being a United fan. But still, we support them regardless. Kinda weird, isn’t it?

When I try to recall the very first time I decided to support United in elementary school (which was more than 15 years ago now), I cannot even recall any particular reason why. I remember I first knew United from a sports news segment when they were winning a match and I just thought “Well, that’s pretty cool”. For some reason, I kept watching them on TV afterward week in week out. Only shortly afterward I realize that United is (was?) a winning team and that justified me to keep supporting them.

Now that I think about it, supporting a sports club (regardless of the sport) in itself may be a bizarre idea. Regardless of our support, they are gonna keep going to stay alive as a business. On the flip side, regardless of their doing well, it hardly has any impact on us as supporters, especially now that we are not from the area. Well, unless you are still at school and get bullied when your favorite club loses.

Still, we faithfully support them. All because of us being attracted, and eventually “falling in love”.

In the end, we probably need to just let it sink that as the proverb says, love is blind.

